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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Good Afternoon,

This morning in our EL class we did a listening activity about the history of Halloween and how the celebration came to this country.  Ask your son or daughter what he or she learned.

A couple important reminders -

  • 2 hour delay tomorrow (11-1)
  • No school next Tuesday (11-7)
  • Vocabulary Quiz in EL Class next Friday (11-10)
  • End of Trimester next Friday (11-10) - This one is VERY IMPORTANT!  Several students are missing some assignments in my class and in other classes.  In my class if they are not turned in by next Friday, they become zeros and cannot be turned in for a grade later.  Most of the grades in my EL class come from the iLit program that we are using and from the vocabulary quizzes.  If students are behind in iLit (they should have completed everything through week 7 by this Friday), they need to spend some time at home getting caught up.  
Please double check with your student to see that he or she has all of the required school supplies.  This includes ear buds of some sort that will work with the Chromebooks.  These are often needed in class and students should have them in their pencil bags so that they are always prepared.  

Thank you for your support and encouragement of your student!  It is very important that students know that their parents value education and expect them to try their best.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at or call the school at 614-830-2200.  

Have a great day!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Good Afternoon,

I hope that all of you are receiving the Tuesday newsletters from Mrs. Bertke, our principal.  They are sent via email to the address listed on Infinite Campus.  If you are not receiving them, please check your email information on IC.  If there is an error or something that needs added or changed, please let the office know. 

Tomorrow is our Panther Prowl.  This is a new event this year and a way that the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is trying to raise money for student events in the school.  All students and teachers will be walking around the track 2 times in the morning during first period.  Students are encouraged to wear shirts/hats from their favorite sports teams if they wish.  If it is raining, we will walk inside during that time.  Please dress appropriately. 

As always, please make sure you are checking your student's grades in IC regularly.  8th grade English has a 5 paragraph essay due on Thursday.  This is 50% of the grade for this grading period (district policy).  7th grade will be writing their essay next week.  A great deal of practice has gone in to this to try to help students be successful. 

Thank you to those of you who came to Parent Teacher Conferences.  This is always a helpful time for parents, teachers and students to talk and make sure that we are all doing the best we can to help each student be his/her best.  If you were unable to come to conferences, (or even if you did come to conferences) please feel free to email teachers any time if you have a questions or concerns. 

Have a great day!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Any student interested in playing a winter sport, there will be a mandatory pre-season athletic meeting THIS Wednesday, October 18th at 6:00pm in the gym at Lakeview Junior High. The meeting will cover OHSAA and PLSD eligibility rules and regulations.

If you attended the Fall pre-season meeting you DO NOT need to attend.

At 6:30pm you will have an opportunity to meet your head coach and receive information on open gyms, tryout dates, and schedules. We look forward to seeing you on the 18th!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Good Afternoon Parents and Caregivers,

Some news to be aware of for this week -

  • Interim grades were posted for students on Friday.  If you have not checked Infinite Campus recently, please check.  We are half way through the grading period.  The period ends on November 10.  We do not send home paper interim reports in Junior High so the only way to see the grades is to check IC. 
  • No school on Friday 10/13 or Monday 10/16 for students.
  • Monday 10/16, Thursday 10/19, and Tuesday 10/24 are Parent-Teacher Conferences.  If you have not scheduled one but would like to, please let me know quickly.  Available times are decreasing.  Also I need to know if you would like an interpreter or not.  Thank you to those that have already scheduled! I, and the rest of your child's teachers, look forward to meeting with you. 
  • Vocabulary quiz in my class on Thursday of this week.  Students have the lists and definitions and can use Quizlet to practice their words.  
  • We started something new in my class last week.  Each day when students enter the room, they are to write on the board what they will do to be great in school today.  It is an attempt to get students to think about the role and responsibility they have in their own learning.  Ask your student what he/she wrote each day.  
  • We are getting the problems with iLit worked out.  I will start taking grades on it this week.  Some students are behind and need to catch up.  Week 4 assignments will be graded this week.  All prior work needs to be done before Week 4 assignments will show up.  We do some work on this in class daily but some students will need to do some work outside of class to catch up. 
  • 8th Grade - Science project due on 10/13!!  

As always, if you have questions or concerns, please feel free to email me.  Have a wonderful week!