This morning in our EL class we did a listening activity about the history of Halloween and how the celebration came to this country. Ask your son or daughter what he or she learned.
A couple important reminders -
- 2 hour delay tomorrow (11-1)
- No school next Tuesday (11-7)
- Vocabulary Quiz in EL Class next Friday (11-10)
- End of Trimester next Friday (11-10) - This one is VERY IMPORTANT! Several students are missing some assignments in my class and in other classes. In my class if they are not turned in by next Friday, they become zeros and cannot be turned in for a grade later. Most of the grades in my EL class come from the iLit program that we are using and from the vocabulary quizzes. If students are behind in iLit (they should have completed everything through week 7 by this Friday), they need to spend some time at home getting caught up.
Please double check with your student to see that he or she has all of the required school supplies. This includes ear buds of some sort that will work with the Chromebooks. These are often needed in class and students should have them in their pencil bags so that they are always prepared.
Thank you for your support and encouragement of your student! It is very important that students know that their parents value education and expect them to try their best. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at or call the school at 614-830-2200.
Have a great day!